Validation of prior learning (VAE-VAP-VES)

The validation of prior learning is broken down into 3 distinct systems 

Validation of prior experiential learning (VAE)

The VAE consists of obtaining a professional certification (diploma, professional title or certificate of professional qualification) by valuing one's professional experience. You are not taking a course, but you are preparing a Booklet II setting out your skills from your experience.

Example: Claire has 5 years of professional experience as a sports instructor, she can apply for the Professional License in Education and Motor Skills through the VAE.

The VAEs are managed by the Continuing Education Department

Validation of Professional and Personal Learning (VAPP)

The VAPP is a system that allows access to university education without having the diploma normally required.

Example: a person with a BAC+2 and significant professional experience can apply for a VAPP with a view to enrolling in a master's degree.

VAPPs are managed by the Continuing Education Department

Validation of Graduate Studies (VES)

The VES is a device that allows you to obtain part or all of a diploma thanks to the recognition of studies followed in France or abroad

Example: Pascal holds several diplomas (DES TENNIS, PBJEPS, Diplôme d'entrainement Physique) and wishes to obtain the Licence Entraînement Sportif.

The VES are managed by the VES office of the UFR STAPS