Welcome to the UFR STAPS of the University of Montpellier, one of the largest in France with over 2200 students. Our UFR offers a wide range of training courses, with 4 Bachelor's degrees, 3 Master's degrees including 7 specific courses, 2 DEUSTs, 1 professional degree and numerous DUs (university diplomas, each dedicated to the study of a specific and unique aspect).
multidisciplinary training
The courses offered at the UFR STAPS combine scientific teaching with the specific skills of each course. Our students devote a significant part of their studies to the practical and theoretical development of their sporting speciality. This approach forms the backbone of our training, giving meaning to both the scientific and professional sides of our studies. Each student thus has a dual identity: on the one hand, that of his or her chosen professional speciality, and on the other, that of his or her sporting speciality.
Our training courses prepare you for all professions related to sport, physical activity and movement: trainers, physical and sports education teachers, APA (Adapted Physical Activities) teachers, physical trainers, coaches, sports educators, sports equipment design professionals, sports tourism and sports event professionals, executives in the sports performance or health sectors, teacher-researchers, video analysts, and more. These are exciting professions, but above all they're professions of the future, and they're becoming increasingly popular in today's job market.
Exciting but demanding careers
For several years now, we've been noticing a significant increase in the number of applicants wishing to join the UFR STAPS. We keep repeating that the most important thing is not to enter the UFR STAPS, but to leave with a diploma. Too many students fail in their studies because they don't understand the true nature of the training provided in our UFR, which is often wrongly regarded as a sports training center.
Enrolling in a STAPS course only makes sense if you have a solid career plan, and the ability and motivation to pursue university studies through to DEUST, Licence, Master's or PhD. STAPS studies are undoubtedly exciting and varied, but certainly not easy. We do all we can to help students in difficulty, and to diversify our teaching procedures and training courses. Over the last four years, we've been able to raise our success rates by more than 15 points.
Created in 1976 in the city center, the UFR STAPS moved to the Veyrassi campus in 1980. From the outset, the UFR benefited from the support of a large number of university staff. Despite strong growth in enrolment from 1994 onwards, Montpellier's UFR STAPS has maintained a strong identity in the north of the city.
Today, our UFR is proud to be a benchmark for teaching and research in the field of physical activity and sport. Building on our experience and the success of our students, we continue to benefit from the trust that high school students and their families place in our training offer, and remain at the cutting edge of their requirements.
Prof. Angèle Chopard
Director, UFR STAPS