STAPS bachelor's degrees

Training presentation

Studying for a STAPS degree isn't just about sports. Students receive multi-disciplinary scientific training (life sciences, humanities and social sciences), methodological training (language, statistics, IT), and professional training in their chosen field.
The first year of the STAPS Portal, the first stage of common training and orientation, is organized around general knowledge (anatomy, physiology, psychology, etc.), mastery of APS (Physical and Sports Activities), and professional orientation (methodology of university work, professional project and career orientation from Semester 1).
Students take part in a compulsory 30-hour internship each semester, to gain an initial insight into the professional and associative world of sport.
Students practice a particular physical activity (their specialty) throughout their bachelor's degree. Depending on their specialization, they take part in complementary and different physical activities from one semester to the next.
The sports specialties offered at the UFR STAPS are varied:Athletics -Badminton -Basket Ball -Dance -Escalade - Weightlifting / Athletic Strength / Bodybuilding -Fitness -Football -Gymnastics (Gymnastique sportive / GR) - Handball - Judo / JUJITSU Combat - Swimming - Rugby -Tennis - Volley Ball -Sailing -Triathlon / Cycling - Combined Sports
Sports specialty groups are formed according to students' sporting profiles.

STAPS Bachelor's degree

  • Level 6 certification (Bac+3): 6 semesters - 180 credits (ECTS)
  • Entry requirements for Licence 1: Baccalauréat or equivalent qualification
  • Continuing education(Find out more)

From the second year

Students choose one of the following 4 options:

  • Adapted Physical Activity and Health (APA-S)
  • Education and Motor Skills (EM)
  • Sports training (ES)
  • Sport Management (MS)

Success support systems


  • Organization of a pre-school week
  • Information and guidance system
  • Scientific and methodological tutorials
  • Personal and Professional Project" course
  • Specialized tutoring
  • Provision of reference teachers


  • Educational tutoring
  • Experience and Skills Portfolio
  • Internships starting in the first year of the Bachelor's program
  • Possibility of obtaining student employee status
  • Possibility of obtaining high-level athlete status

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Adapted Physical Activity and Health

The aim of the APA and Health program is to train teachers of adapted physical activities. This training requires students to be genuinely motivated and to acquire solid skills that can be invested in the various professional sectors of adaptation, health and prevention.

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education and motor skills

The "Education and Motricity" specialization trains professionals in teaching, sports leadership and, more broadly, educational intervention in the field of physical, sports and artistic activities. It prepares students to design and supervise training activities in the fields of physical and sports education (PSE), sport and health education.

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sports training specialization

The aim of the Licence Entraînement Sportif is to train professionals in coaching, animation, physical and psychological preparation, as well as sports managers in the federal and associative sports sector. Students are expected to work with all types of public (children, teenagers, adults and the elderly) and at all levels (beginners, leisure, experienced and top-level athletes).

The holder of this diploma obtains a professional card enabling him/her to work independently as a trainer or physical trainer under the authority of the structure manager. In this capacity, he or she takes charge of different publics for the purposes of performance enhancement or personal development in the specialty or specialties listed in the diploma supplement.

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sports management specialization

The aim of the Bachelor's degree is to train professionals in the management and organization of physical and sports activities for all types of public (children, teenagers, adults, the elderly or disabled) and in the different sectors of activity linked to sport.

Sectors particularly targeted are associative sports organizations (sports federations, leagues, clubs, etc.), public and private sports management bodies and event management.

MS department website

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Documentation brochures

pedagogical references