UFR STAPS now organizes TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) sessions.
This English proficiency test, designed for non-native English speakers, measures the everyday English skills of people working in an international context. It does not require any more specialized knowledge or vocabulary than that possessed by a person using English in their day-to-day professional activities.
TOEIC Session - 2025
- Saturday, March 22 9 a.m.-12 p.m.
- Saturday April 5, 9am-12pm.
The registration form and payment (by cheque only, payable to the accounting officer of the University of Montpellier) must be handed in at the office of Mme Véronique PARRA, UFR STAPS, Bât A, 1st floor, office n°20 (Monday to Thursday before 4pm) or sent by post to:
Gestion TOEIC-STAPS/ Véronique Parra UFR STAPS
700 Avenue du Pic St Loup
Please write your name and INE code on the back of the cheque.
IMPORTANT: No registration will be validated unless payment is received 15 days before the scheduled test date.